Wildlife Rehabilitation and Education
Our Blog

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Bat Release a spectacular success!

WOW! Thank you so much for coming to our spring bat release and showing those batties such love! There were around 250 people out at Joslyn tonight to watch over 200 of our overwintered bats fly free, and we gathered over $500 in donations. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Stay tuned for video clips of our news spots-- they will be posted as I get them!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Bat Release postponed until tomorrow (3/31)

Hello Everyone!  Unfortunately the sustained winds are too high for a good bat release tonight so we are going to postpone by one day.  Tomorrow night's forecast is perfect, so I have no doubt that it will go off tomorrow night without a hitch.  We're sorry for the delay, and hope that you can all join us tomorrow!
Here are the new particulars (note the earlier time):
What:     Bat Release
Date:      Wednesday, March 31, 2010
When:    7:45
Where:  Joslyn Art Museum Parking Lot - North Side
Free-Will Donation ($5 Requested)
Please be there at 7:45 as there are a few instructions to go over before the actual release starts at approximately 7:50.  The bats tend to go quickly, so we should wrap things up by 8:30. 
Thank you all for your patience, and sorry for the delay!  Hope to see you there!

Monday, March 29, 2010

Spring Bat Release!

Hello Everyone!  We are planning on releasing the bats Tuesday night.  We have over 250 eager little guys ready to fly! Here are the particulars:
What:     Bat Release
Date:      Tuesday, March 30, 2010
When:    8 PM
Where:  Joslyn Art Museum Parking Lot - North Side
Free-Will Donation ($5 Requested)
Please be there at 8 or beforehand, as the bats tend to go quickly. We should wrap things up by 8:45. 
Please note that if the winds get too strong, we may have to postpone until Wednesday night.  If that happens, I will send another e-mail and we will post the notice on Facebook no later than 4:00 PM on Tuesday.
Hope to see you there!

Friday, March 26, 2010

Thank you, Sierra Club!

Our presentation last night at First United Methodist was a great success! Thanks so very much to everyone who came and showed such interest and respect for wildlife. We heard a lot of excellent questions and even better stories! Thanks also to the Sierra Club for hosting us and being so generous, bringing refreshments and kind words alike. Everyone should check out the Sierra Club's event list here, because there are some fantastic things coming up that I know I definitely won't miss.

Until next time....thanks for all you do.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Living in Harmony with Native Wildlife

 When:  Thursday, March 25th from 7:00-8:30pm
Where:  First United Methodist Church (69th and Cass)

Join the Sierra Club as Nebraska Wildlife Rehab speaker Laura Stastny gives tips on how we can more peacefully and humanely coexist with native wildlife.  We will learn about the natural behavior of local wildlife and how to use this knowledge to avoid conflicts.  The presentation will include some live bats and possibly bunnies or baby squirrels depending on what animals happen to come into care this month.  Plenty of pictures of past rescue animals will be shown.  This program is free and open to the public.  For more information, click here.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

What's in a name?

Hello supporters,

Nebraska Wildlife Rehab is searching for a new name. We have been feeling of late that our name doesn't truly embody all of the ideals to which we are committed, and so we are in the market for a new one. This is where you come in. We would like a name that best exemplifies not only our commitment to the rehabilitation of the of Nebraska, but also to public education and community service. To that end, we are asking our members and supporters to help us by suggesting new names and logos for our organization. Here's an example we received recently--

Wildlife Rehab and Education of Nebraska

Will you help us out? We would so appreciate it!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Spring is just on the horizon...

...and with Spring comes the bulk of our wildlife charges: babies! Contrary to popular belief, parent animals will indeed respond to cries of distress and return to their young, even if they have been touched by human hands. Should you find a baby animal, here are some quick tips to help you best help Nature take its course.

*Before removing the baby from its environment, determine whether or not it really needs help. Stop and pay attention to your surroundings. Is it snuggled into a hidey-hole in the ground, or hidden under a bush? Is there a tree nearby from which it could have fallen? Do you hear any cries of agitation from what could be its mother? Animals have the best chance at survival if they remain with their parents, and oftentimes the parents know exactly where they have tucked their youngsters-- and will come back. Finding a baby out on its own doesn't necessarily mean it needs human intervention.

*Examine the baby with eyes-only.
Is it obviously injured? Can you see blood, puncture wounds or a broken bone? Are there flies around it? Does it seem weak or unable to use its legs? Pink, hairless babies with eyes closed are in grave danger if they are separated from their mothers for even a short time. A healthy baby will have a glossy coat, round, bright eyes and a healthy sense of self-preservation, in that it will likely try to get away from you.

*If you think everything looks okay, leave the baby there. 
Baby birds on the ground with most of their feathers are fledglings learning to fly; you should leave it on the ground. You can place a younger baby (no feathers, eyes shut) gently back in a visible nest.
Baby squirrels (if its eyes are open) can be left at the base of a tree.
Bunnies can be placed back in their ground nests and covered with grass or other greenery.
Raccoons pups are almost never far away from their mothers, but the mothers will wait for you to leave before they approach.

In any case, allow the mother around four to six hours to return. 

*If you determine the baby needs help, help it.
In these instances, call a wildlife rehabilitator, then put on some gloves and place the baby carefully into a shoebox or other small container, lined with soft cloth, tissues or paper towels. Try to avoid any kind of terry cloth, as delicate toenails can be caught in its loops. Cover the baby with more cloth and put the covered (but not sealed) container in a dark, quiet, warm place away from children and pets. If you have a heating pad, set it to low and place the container halfway on the pad. Resist the urge to handle the cute little thing, as they are easily susceptible to shock...and wash your hands well!  

Please do not give the baby anything to eat or drink unless instructed to do so by your wildlife rehabilitator.

This is only a very basic outline of how you can help baby wildlife if you find yourself in a position to do so. Rehabilitators with Nebraska Wildlife Rehab are always happy to help you analyze a situation to see if a baby needs to come into care--so if the need arises, don't hesitate to call us at 402-341-8619. And for more detailed information, more useful tips and interesting reading, please visit our website at www.nebraskawildliferehab.org.

Thanks for all you do!
Nebraska Wildlife Rehab, Inc. needs a home of our own to care for more animals and provide hands-on educational programs for the students of Nebraska. WE NEED YOUR HELP to make our dream a reality! Please donate today! Interested in learning more about "A Home of Our Own", click here.
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